Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Needlework Tuesday: California Snow

We don't get snow around here, but for some reason all of my current projects have snow on them.  Here are the first two months of Santa's Village done.  There are buttons and beads and French knots that will go on later.

Here is my wool banner for January.  The original pattern had a dark shawl but I thought that was too drab so I gave her a pinkish one.  I have no idea why she has ice skates.  Or feet for that matter.

For some reason I just got the urge to make this snow bear after I saw the pattern on Pinterest.  I think I needed a break from my usual embroidery and quilting.  Looking at his hat, I think it could use a pom pom.

Needlework Tuesday is hosted by Heather at Books and Quilts.

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Heather said...

All three are lovely. I like the details such as the snow flakes in the back ground of the embroidery. We are having abundant snow here today, not enough to paralyze activity, but I don't really want to shovel again today.

Unknown said...

They are all so cute!

And by the way, the cat in your header is beautiful. Is he/she yours?

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